A motlier bunch there never was.  Believe me, the shade is a blessing.
Today was actually this evening!  We had a fellowship event at Rob Roy.  In part, we wanted to dedicate a new tree at Rob Roy golf course.  And in part, we wanted to kick off Bret's new initiative to bring more socialization (and hopefully prospective members) to the club.  
This year, our meetings will be scheduled differently.  We will have one fellowship event each month and one service project each month.  They're designed to get the club out in more visible locales and hopefully attract members who are eager to help their volunteer, but aren't able to commit to 2 hours of time every Monday.  
And I must say, the bunch that showed up tonight was much easier to be with after a few beers, so that helps too.   
We had bunches of happy dollars.  What are happy dollars?  It's a new take on the old theme of bragging on all that's good going on in your life.  It's been around, but Pres Bret is making sure there is time set aside each meeting this year. 
Now, let's see if I can decipher my notes here.  
Rodney gave happy dollars for his daughter's upcoming wedding.  It's still a ways away, but he's glad the date has been set.  
John spent much of the weekend with his grandkids.  That's about as happy as one can get, no?
Brian did something at the LaGrange Country Club.  I'm guessing he played golf there, but that's usually an un-happy dollar for him, no?
Brett's son is undefeated this year in baseball.  
Kathy is celebrating her son's 36th birthday.  
Then we sat around and talked.  We started to leave after about 90 minutes or so, but there were still several at the table laughing when I walked out.  
I think this might work!