July 13, 2015 Meeting
Posted by A. Todd
on Jul 13, 2015
District Governor Rodney Adams is back home already! I guess 'boomerang children' doesn't mean just college kids!
Conrad awarding Wendy a well-deserved plaque recognizing her two years as Club President!
Our District Governor Rod gave an uplifting report on the 2015 to 2016 Rotary year. First of all, Rotary has implemented many improvements during the last few years. The management has changed from top to down and is now down to up. Technology has been upgraded and the web site is user friendly. Foundation grants have improved. Training has expanded. The World Health Organization and the Red Cross have turned over some projects to Rotary to manage. They recognize that Rotary can better manage these projects. Polio is close to being eradicated; the polio project organically began as a small time project and ended becoming world wide.